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Praise for
What Is Church?

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Dub Karriker White

"I so enjoyed this book and how it challenged my thinking and gave me a true refreshing that I so needed. The timing of this book could not be more perfect. It is a must-read for ANYONE." Barnes & Noble Customer 

"Karriker has written an insightful look at what’s called church today and how it impacts relationships and community worldwide. How do we fit in? How do we mature? How do we act like Christ. Enjoyable and thought provoking." 

Amazon Customer 

Purchaser Reviews

"Retired pastor Karriker explores the literal and metaphorical boundaries of the Christian Church in this spiritual debut. His work seeks to answer two main questions for Christians: Is church involvement necessary? And, if so, what type of church? 

The author draws from personal anecdotes and biblical teachings to explore how the Church’s duties, meanings, and believers have changed throughout the years.

Karriker writes with a fond devotion to his subject. He covers the Church’s history, biblical teachings on what it is meant to be and represent, and how modern events (including the COVID-19 pandemic) have affected the way believers and non-believers view church. This is an informative resource for readers seeking a deeper understanding."

BookLife Review by Publishers Weekly

"I got my autographed copy at a recent book signing event. Started reading it this week. Loving it so far!

Book Signing Attendee

"I enjoyed reading this book. I appreciate the goal to gently challenge readers to engage in the Church. It acknowledges the many flaws of the American church but also pushes the readers to move beyond those flaws to finding a community/family that can exemplify God's love to the world."


Event & Goodreads Reviews

"Whether your experience with the church has brought healing or harm, this book will challenge and inspire you to revisit what God intended the Church to be – Love expressed in community. I personally found healing and hope in the pages of this book. Dive in. I believe you will too." - Heather Mercer, New York Times Best Selling Author

"The best work of ministry is done when no one is looking (but God). The pastors who take the time to visit the sick and attend to their needs, who answer the phone call at home to counsel those going through difficult marriages and give the extra hours to shepherd those who are just coming to faith may not be noticed much this side of heaven, but their reward will be great. Dub is in their company." - James Banks, Pastor, Speaker & Best Selling Author

Fellow Author Reviews

"Dub's experience in churches all over the world has given him a unique perspective that is not limited by denomination, culture, or personal preference. Instead, he lets Scripture speak for itself in explaining who the Church is, how the Church is built, what the Church is supposed to be doing, and what we are ultimately headed toward in the future." - Reader Review

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"This is a perfect blend of history and heart, recognizing the present and declaring hope for the future."  

Barnes & Noble Customer 


"Reading the book was like a trip to the chiropractor. It didn't always make me comfortable, but it put me back into alignment with God's Word and His design for the church." - Reader Review

"If you are looking for an itemized manual for what to look for when finding a church or to start a new church, skip this book. However, if you want to understand the heart of God for His people, be pointed to scripture, and be challenged to search your own heart and motives then open to page one of What Is Church?" - Amazon Customer

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