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Christmas Is Good News For Women

Writer's picture: DubDub
Mary and Jesus
The First Christmas

If you are a woman reading this title, you may be thinking, "How on earth is Christmas good news for women? We're expected to clean and decorate the house, buy presents, wrap them, get the kids up, make sure Christmas morning goes smoothly, run to the grocery store and Costco (dear Lord!), buy food for the entire family, cook and serve, then clean up while the kids play with their toys and the men watch football! How is THAT good news?"

Over the years I've heard and preached many sermons primarily aimed at men. Understandable. I'm a guy. That's my bias. Occasionally I have presented sermons that are specifically for women. The next time I get the opportunity; I have another in mind. Perhaps this is the prelude. God through His revealed will in the Bible has a lot to say about and to women. In fact, the story of God, Jesus, and the salvation of mankind is pretty woman focused. So, with respect for Jesus and the season I'm writing to honor the women of the Christmas Story, and women in general.

Christmas Is Good News For Women?

By the title, I don't mean to imply that Christmas is not also Good News for men, boys, and girls. As the angel announced on the night that Christ was born, "Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." ~ Luke 2:10-11 "All people" encompasses everyone. And indeed, Jesus the Messiah is Good News for the entire world. But for women, the story of this one birth perhaps means more in its context than the rest of us realize.

Having worked and traveled in the Middle East engaging with people, tribes, and nations that are not entirely different than the culture that existed when Jesus was born, I have seen and experienced some of what women have to deal with on a daily basis. For the sake of brevity, I will not address this here. But I imagine most women reading my blog are exceedingly more familiar with the struggles and challenges faced by themselves and their counterparts in other parts of the world than I could ever be.

"Sometimes it's hard to be a woman" - Tammy Wynette Song Writer, Singer, Philosopher

We may think we know and understand the story and situation of Mary when the angel appeared and made the announcement that she, an unmarried young virgin, had been chosen by God to bear His only Son. Jesus would be the long-awaited Redeemer of her people and the world. But we certainly cannot begin to fully comprehend the mixture of joy and grief the miraculous birth of her first son would bring to this young woman and to her family.

Mary and the Angel
The Annunciation

Judaism is a guilt-based culture, and Middle Eastern culture is shame-based. "They both teach people how they ought to behave, but they have very different approaches to wrongdoing. In shame cultures what matters is what other people think of you and by extension, your family and tribe: the embarrassment, the ignominy, the loss of face. But guilt cultures make a sharp distinction between the doer and the deed, the sinner and the sin. That’s why guilt cultures focus on atonement and repentance, apology and forgiveness. In shame cultures, if you’ve done wrong, the first rule is, don’t be found out. If you are, then bluff your way through. Only admit when every other alternative has failed, because you’ll be disgraced for a very long time indeed." Copyright © 2014 Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Faith Overcomes

Mary was raised in both cultures. After months of pregnancy, scorn, and ridicule, with her betrothed Joseph considering publicly breaking off the marriage to save face, Mary left her home to find comfort and support with her relative and friend, Elizabeth. Then the Christmas story becomes Elizabeth's story too. Elizabeth was miraculously pregnant with her own son after enduring many years of grief and shame from not being able to bear children. As Mary approached, the child in Elizabeth's womb leaped for joy! Recognizing God's favor on both of them, she and Mary shared an amazing, intimate moment. God's plan of salvation for all of mankind is vested in these two women, and perhaps for the first time they understood the nature of their dignity, worth, and value in the eyes of the Most High God.

In this holy moment Mary sings a spontaneous song of praise.

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. ~ Luke 1:46-49

Recently, Pam and I became surrogate grandparents of a wonderful baby girl. If you didn't know, we were unable to have children of our own and we became foster parents. Over the years we were able to establish relationships with a number of children and teens that needed or wanted additional or substitute parental (and now grandparent) support. Pam was there when our precious grandbaby was born. We both love her mother and our grandbaby dearly, but as a woman, Pam has a special depth of relationship and understanding that is beyond my grasp. The love connection between women, girls, and babies is mysterious and awesome. You might even say, it is Divine, as if someone designed it that way.

Mary and Elizabeth relatives
Mary & Elizabeth

The Divine Connection

Can you imagine how Mary and Elizabeth felt at the time of the birth of Elizabeth's son? We of course know him as John the Baptist from the Bible. Then Jesus was born, and we know the rest. I wonder if the women of Mary's tribe rallied around her. Or if, the victim of false guilt and shame, she was left to console herself with what she and very few others knew was the real truth? Either way, she and Elizabeth deserve to be recognized and honored for their example of faith, hope, and love for God and for one another.

The first Christmas is certainly the story of Jesus' birth. But more than that, it is Good News for women everywhere, for all time. Mary's miracle is the evidence of the love, dignity, worth, value, and honor that God designed and intends for every woman. Let's not settle for anything less.

Merry Christmas, ladies. May you always remember and be glad.

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